1. We cannot underestimate the role of whether and climate in the production of crops. During times when the global food security strongly depends on crop production, there is no place for any limitations. Therefore, the search for solutions resulted in farm management practices that involve farming in a controlled environment have increased. Greenhouse farming is one of the basic variations of farming in a controlled environment. Other types of controlled farming are vertical farming and indoor farming where artificial light is used.
2. Greenhouse farming is the unique farm practice of growing crops within sheltered structures covered by a transparent, or partially transparent, material. The main purpose of greenhouses is to provide favorable growing conditions and to protect crops from unfavorable weather and various pests.
3. Some of the variables considered in green house farming include the amount of sunlight, the amount of natural ventilation, the size of the farm, heating requirements, condensation run-off, efficiency of materials, costs.
4. There are standard practices that have been recommended by agriculturist to ensure the maximization of greenhouse production.
Here are some of them:
a. It is important to know the annual average of the water in the location of the green house. This because if sustainable agriculture must be achieved, the water table level in the area must be maintained. Green house uses artificial watering systems. The ideal situation is where the amount of water drawn daily from the ground doesn’t exceed the annual average. If there is a possibility that this will happen, extra measures need to be taken to ensure sustainability.
b. Consider directing rainwater from greenhouses to a retention pond or constructed wetland to allow most sediment to settle out before it reaches a brook or stream.
For gutter-connected greenhouses, consider installing a rainwater harvesting system to store some of the water to use for irrigation.
c. Best management practices should be used to handle wastewater from greenhouse roofs, driveways, parking areas, indoor growing areas, outdoor growing beds and
flood floors and benches. Wastewater management systems may require engineering design to handle maximum runoff conditions. Permits may also be required.
d. Adopt integrated pest management practices and avoid pesticides which are persistent, have high leaching potentials, or move readily on the surface.
e. Reduce pesticide use by properly timing the pesticide application and subsequent evaluation of the resulting level of pest control (FAO, 2010)
7. There are other practices that enable the successful management of green houses. It is important that in the use of natural resources for green houses, the ecological balance is maintained in and around the green house.
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